September 2018 | Boulder


Trust your body, it knows more than you do.

After hurting my neck at the Jam yesterday, I had a lot of compassionate dancers lend me healing energy and advice. I’m super grateful for the positive energy and compassion, THANK YOU! However, the “advice” i received highlighted a trend I’ve been battling with for a while now: the passing down of misinformation simply because it is tradition. I was recommended RICE and specifically Ice as a recovery mechanism by over a dozen people. I really appreciate all of them for lending what they know or have used in similar situations, but i also urge EVERYONE to question more and dig deeper. A simple Google search can turn up so much and turn you into a more knowledgeable and efficient human.

Question your RICE theories for yourself but ESPECIALLY before you teach them to your students or friends. This is an article by the man who literally INVENTED the term, talking about why, as a recovery mechanism, we should NOT Ice injuries. Quick read on how RICE delays recovery (by the man who literally coined the term), and there are many more like it.