Seeking Happiness
November 2018 | Paris
"What is your main goal in life?" is a question i've been fielding a lot recently. One cool thing about travels is the almost rapid-fire "uploads" of life situation to friends (old and new). This leads to a lot of thinking out loud, which can be a really powerful and articulate way of thinking. In fact, I often surprise myself when I think out loud, and it's definitely productive to put feelings into words sometimes: like creating a solid model of a design that was only in your head.
My main focus in life at the moment is being happy. This might seem obvious and inconsequential, but if you are human i'm sure you can relate to the importance of this at some level. It's not that I am an unhappy person: in fact, I think I have an abundance of happiness. But I believe that happiness is a never-ending journey, and as soon as we take our eyes off the "prize" it starts to slip away. I've found the fastest road to happiness and fulfillment is the one navigated from the heart. The best way i've been able to articulate this recently has been the idea of doing the things everyday that I am most interested in doing: whether this is planning a trip to a new country, practicing Yoga, or just buying beads and making a new Mala for myself.
The power of a smile is profound, and while becoming more of a Wu Wei Ninja is an important practice, internal happiness is the foundation for the overall peace and comfort that we can bring to every interaction we have.