The following is a glossary of exercises with bullet points to help remind you of important form tips. You can use this section as a reference—to look up and practice individual exercises—or as a program itself. Running through each of these exercises daily, whether all at once or half in the morning and half in the evening, is one way to not only move more, but also to move more of you.

Unless indicated otherwise, aim to do each of these exercises two to three times, for thirty seconds to a minute every time. Start every exercise by assuming an aligned stance. Alignment Checks[1]


Each one of the points refers to a bony marker (something you can clearly see with your eyes, no matter your body composition). Each point needs to be in the correct spot, relative to other points, and relative to the gravitational force, in order to have optimal health. If your tissue tension does not allow the points to be in this orientation, then there is a resulting issue with the neurological, lymphatic, and blood flow.

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