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Images From Chapter 1: Nutritious Movement and Diseases of Captivity



The easiest way to visualize a load is to imagine a sponge soaking in a bucket of water. In order to move water out of the sponge we could squeeze it (a compressive load) or we could pull the ends away from each other (a tensile load).

We could also twist the sponge (a torsional load) or slide the top of the sponge relative to the bottom (a shear load).


Here is a thirteen-pound pumpkin.

Here are five different ways one can carry the thirteen-pound pumpkin.


Loads[1] are often oversimplified to “weight” because it makes them easier to understand, but there is much more going on with your sore knee (or foot, or back, or pelvic floor) than your weight[2].


In terms of anatomy, "loads" refer to the forces acting on a particular joint or structure within the body. For the knee, loads can include forces such as compression, tension, and shear. For example, when you bend your knee to squat down, the muscles, tendons, and ligaments around the knee joint experience loads as they support your body weight and control movement. Additionally, during activities like running or jumping, the knee experiences dynamic loads as the muscles contract and relax to absorb shock and propel the body forward.


In anatomical terms, "weight" specifically refers to the force exerted on a body part due to gravity. For the knee, weight can be understood as the downward force exerted on the joint and surrounding structures. For example, when standing upright, the weight of the body is transmitted through the bones of the leg and into the knee joint. This weight-bearing force can increase during activities like walking, climbing stairs, or carrying heavy objects, placing additional stress on the knee joint and its supporting structures.


Have you ever been to an aquarium or sea-life theme park featuring an orca (also known as a “killer whale”)? Or maybe you’ve watched Free Willy. Either way, you might have noticed the collapsed dorsal fin of this breed when in captivity.

Image From Chapter 2: Movement, Loads, and Your DNA


Rather, your genetic makeup is like one of those disks you put in a View-Master—a plethora of potential outcomes for you to select by toggling on the View-Master’s lever.

Images From Chapter 3: The Difference Between Exercise and Movement


Here is a diagram titled Movement.

Right now the diagram is empty, but you can list anything and everything the human body can do in this circle. Snapping your fingers, bicycling, unicycling, squatting, winking, breathing, burping, slacklining, breastfeeding, birthing a baby, waving your arms around, lifting, diving, picking apples, and even something as tiny as getting goosebumps could all be accurately placed in this Movement diagram. See?

Just thinking of the term exercise is likely to cause your brain to respond by conjuring up mental images of fitness machines, athletics, yoga class, pull-ups, dance class, lifting weights, running, pedometers, and heart-rate monitors. In short, your mind currently organizes movement information like this:

To move your health forward with movement, it is essential to mentally rearrange the relationship between movement and exercise in your mind, so it looks more like this:

Images From Chapter 4: The Heart of the Matter: Why We May Not Need “Cardio” After All


If I had you create a mental image of the cardiovascular system, chances are you would come up with an image similar to those presented in anatomy and physiology textbooks throughout the world:

But this picture is incomplete. The arteries and veins are usually the main feature of drawings like these, but what this image leaves off are all the smaller vessels where oxygen delivery—the very reason the blood needs to circulate through the body—takes place. The final destination of oxygen is capillary beds—the teeny-tiny tubes that branch off the arterioles, which branch off the arteries. This is where the exchange between the body and blood occurs.

If you prefer pictures to words, it means that the blood flow to the hand pictured as this:

really looks more like this:



In general, your blood is moving forward, through your arteries.

But upon closer inspection, the movement of all your blood isn’t always following the same path. The complex interactions between blood vessel shape, vessel pliability, blood viscosity, and blood velocity all create a field of flow—some blood moving this way, some that way, and all at different rates—a concept represented here by vectors.

Flow fields place a load on the endothelial cells that line the interior surface of the arteries. Flow fields (and the loads created by a flow field) are affected by everything about you— what you eat, drink, and smoke; how hard you exercise; how stiff your muscles are; stress; and the geometry of the blood vessels themselves. There are probably other things that affect flow that aren’t even known yet.


Let’s say you spend the hunk of the day in this position.

Or this one.

When you stand up, you probably think you are returning to this position.

But actually, when you spend most of your time seated, and have since you were very young, when you get up from a chair your body doesn’t straighten all the way back out. Your out-of-the-chair chair-lovin’ body looks more like one of these people.

There is so much incredible information related to this topic. People will undoubtedly want more and begin searching for other content perhaps as other media types including videos videos or podcasts. Pagedips can accommodate the inclusion of all sorts of additional assets that would be helpful. For example you might want to access a video[3] through a highlighted word, or inline as a part of the text as is illustrated below:

Exercise Glossary
